08/04/11 19:43
Vezhdi Rashidov: Bulgaria lies on gold

"Which other Mayor has undertaken granting so much money from the European Funds for culture? There cannot be anything better. We were not given even one BGN from the State," said the Minister of Culture. He added that if there were at least 3 projects completed per year, by the end of the mandate of the Government in office we would have 12 sites. "If we have a recently opened museum, it is because of our team work. It does not happen quite often in Bulgarian social traditions that the State and Municipality work together, fully synchronising their efforts," said the Minister of Culture.
According to him, cultural tourism starts from the airport or from the border crossing point of Kapakule. He added that cultural tourism should replace “alcohol tourism”. "Sofia must become the Capital of Culture in 2019, but without efficient preparatory work and a well-developed infrastructure, this will not happen," said Rashidov. He added that for the first time in Bulgaria's history a museum concept had been developed.
Yordanka Fandakova even commented that a mosaic from the 4th century, with an area exceeding 30 sq m located in the ruins of a large building, had been discovered almost fully preserved. The Mayor explained that the project for the construction of the eighth underground station had been changed four times in order for the stones of the main streets of the Roman city and the buildings on them to be maintained on the site. Fandakova added that other amazing findings had been discovered, which would make the respective underground station the most modern and beautiful site in Europe.
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Публикувана на 08/04/11 19:43 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/177165_Vezhdi+Rashidov%3A+Bulgaria+lies+on+gold
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