10/11/11 18:52
Minister of Environment returns for review the EIA report on gold-mining activities near Krumovgrad
Karadjova returned the decision for review since the East Aegean Sea River Basin Directorate, Pleven carried out an EIA assessment on the gold-mining project before this summer's amendments to the Environmental Protection Act had entered into force, explained the Environment Ministry.
On 19 September 2011, only five of the 25 SEEC representatives voted against the construction of a gold mining factory by the Canadian subsidiary Dundee Precious Metals Inc. In fact, the representative of the Bluelink environmental network, Andrei Kovachev was not admitted to the ballot on the grounds that he was a member of the Bulgarian Green political party.
At that point, the Council allowed in an unprecedented way the preliminary implementation of the plans for gold-mining extraction. This means that the Canadian company is already authorised to build a gold mining factory and launch the drilling operations, even in case of instituting litigation, appeals or staging protests, etc. The motive of the CEO of Balkan Mineral and Mining SPJSC, Alex Nestor was that it came down to a substantial investment of a "national" and "local" importance, which otherwise could incur losses if delayed or frustrated? According to him, so far the company has lost overall $500 mln of its market value.
Klassa daily sought a personal explanation from Mr. Alex Nestor about the specific source of these losses, but he found it difficult to answer our questions, while requesting us to provide him with a written inquiry... By the editorial completion of the today's issue of Klassa, we have not received a reply, but are expecting one to publish.
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Публикувана на 10/11/11 18:52 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/183365_Minister+of+Environment+returns+for+review+the+EIA+report+on+gold-mining+activities+near+Krumovgrad
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