08/24/11 19:45
Days before the deadline, 50% of pharmacies’ cash registers are not linked to NRA

As of September 1, the NRA will launch large-scale inspections of pharmacies to establish whether the retailers have fulfilled the requirements of the law. Any pharmacy or drugstore which has failed to comply with the requirements is liable to a fine of up to BGN 10,000 and may be sealed, too.
The deadline for traders of grain registered under the VAT Act to connect their fiscal devices to NRA system expires at the end of November. The requirement applies also to dealers registered under the Act on the Storage and Trade in Grain. The other dealers will have to be connected by March 31, 2012. NRA explained that every trader can check whether his device should be adjusted so as to meet the requirements of the new ordinance on the reporting of sales by fiscal devices. If the device does not answer to the requirements, a new one is required.
At the beginning of the month, information was released that about 80% of the pharmacies had not connected their cash registers to NRA’s system. Then, Vassil Panov, Director of the NRA Control department, said he did not expect problems with the implementation of the ordinance. He addressed pharmacies, recommending them to immediately contact service companies, because the consequences of not observing the law could be very serious.
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Публикувана на 08/24/11 19:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178793_Days+before+the+deadline%2C+50%25+of+pharmacies%E2%80%99+cash+registers+are+not+linked+to+NRA
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