08/28/11 19:28
GERB makes public its election slogan: “We are building Bulgaria”
The local election campaigns will also adopt the new logo, which will accordingly be “We are building Sofia”, “We are building Varna”, etc. “We have already nominated our presidential candidates,” said Tsvetanov, specifying that the names would be announced on September 4, as planned. Tsvetanov rejected guesses that he was one of GERB’s nominees.
The fully renovated office of the party headquarters was opened by a religious ceremony attended by Parliament’s Chairperson Tsetska Tsacheva, Head of National Assembly’s Legal Committee Iskra Fidosova, MPs and MEPs from GERB’s list, ministers and representatives of civil organisations.
“I would like to thank the architects for the wonderful design, the builders for the great work and for everything they all did to finish in time,” said Tsvetanov. He also thanked to the foundations Konrad Adenauer and Hanns Seidel for their partnership in civil initiatives which GERB promotes and implements as fair policies.
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Публикувана на 08/28/11 19:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/179087_GERB+makes+public+its+election+slogan%3A+%E2%80%9CWe+are+building+Bulgaria%E2%80%9D
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