08/29/11 16:38
Business hotels in Sofia expect growth in conference events

There will be more events this year and a greater number of companies will organise these, said representatives of the 5-star Kempinski Hotel Zografski which can host more than 1,200 guests and is one of the largest conference hotels in the capital. Events for 2012, 2013 and 2014 at the hotel have already been confirmed. "Conferences and congresses, organised by the state administration, which were less in 2010, will be more this year," said Makrina Parvanova, Director of Public Affairs and Guest Relations at Kempinksi. These events are often combined with the participation of NGOs. Some of the biggest events in autumn will be the Congress of Dermatologists in Bulgaria and the 5th Congress of Invasive Cardiology.
“In September, business activities usually stir up and we hope for a greater number of organised events,” said Katya Kovacheva, Head of the Sales department at the 5-star Hilton. “However, the budgets earmarked for conferences are considerably lower than in 2010,” added Kovacheva. “A tendency of shortening the events as much as possible has emerged and we cannot talk about any extravagance concerning the guests’ meals. The organisers are trying to maximally optimise their budgets,” explained Kovacheva.
“Many of the events this year were booked at the last moment, which shortens the period of preparation and organisation,” commented Mihail Novachev, Manager of Residence Hotel Arena di Serdica. “We have registered a considerable increase in the entertainment-oriented special events and in the large conference and congress events with international participation. This year, we are witnessing an increase in the budgets for the organisation of events as a whole. Customers spend more money to rent space and hire good technical equipment, but cut their costs for catering,” added Novachev.
One of Sofia’s main problems is the small capacity of congress centres, even of the National Palace of Culture (NDK). The biggest events gather host 1,000-1,500 people. Thus, notable international events are rarely organised even in the capital city.
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Публикувана на 08/29/11 16:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/179179_Business+hotels+in+Sofia+expect+growth+in+conference+events
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