08/29/11 19:33
Georgi Parvanov: My return to the BSP will strengthen the party

"It seems to me that this was invented by someone who just came back from a vacation in Greece. I think that this is very ridiculous. Similar suspicions arose even in the period1997-1998, when I worked for the establishment of the New Left wing Party, when I set up the Coalition for Bulgaria". My return to the BSP will be a moral gesture, a gesture to all those people with whom I have worked and I hope that it will strengthen the party and will open it to new and powerful coalition partners, real partners. I am not targeting any political posts, but a competition for the leadership, will certainly take place, "said Georgi Parvanov.
Georgi Parvanov once again declared his desire to introduce minor changes in the presidential powers. " I would like to propose minor changes in the presidential powers, regarding the way the veto is overcome. The procedure applied so far is not fully adequate. "It is automatically that the society re-voted on one or another law, but I wouldn't like it that we develop towards this notion of a Presidential Republic. The idea of the “strong hand” was very compromised over the past two years. The power of the management lies in knowledge, and not in frightening your opponent," Parvanov commented.
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Публикувана на 08/29/11 19:33 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/179225_Georgi+Parvanov%3A+My+return+to+the+BSP+will+strengthen+the+party+
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