10/05/11 18:16
MPs not to hold sessions for two weeks in order to prevent the use of the parliamentary tribune for canvassing

“This is certainly not a new parliamentary recess because the standing committees will hold their sessions,” said National Assembly Chair Tsetska Tsacheva who tabled this proposal. According to her, the parliamentary tribune will be used for canvassing if the National Assembly continues its work during the election campaign. She believes that MPs should not hold sessions because political forces which are not represented in Parliament will be placed at a disadvantage.
The Blue Coalition and BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) objected to the proposed break of the MPs' work and the Socialists even demanded the resignation of Tsetska Tsacheva as Chair of the National Assembly.
“You are not here because you are privileged but because you are responsible for this country’s future. The problem is that you do not want to bear this responsibility in the days before the elections. You have to gather some strength and endure the opposition for 10 days,” said Ivan Kostov, leader of DSB (Democrats for Strong Bulgaria).
Mihail Mikov from BSP reproached the ruling party for trying to disrupt the functioning of Parliament for the first time in Bulgaria’s modern history.
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Публикувана на 10/05/11 18:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/182772_MPs+not+to+hold+sessions+for+two+weeks+in+order+to+prevent+the+use+of+the+parliamentary+tribune+for+canvassing
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