10/18/11 20:00
The defendants to stand trial at the Bulgarian Specialised Criminal Court behind an armoured glass dock screen

The most dangerous defendants whose criminal offences will be heard by the Bulgarian Specialised Criminal Court will stand trial behind an armoured glass dock screen. The specialised institution will be launched into operation on January 1, 2012, became clear yesterday after the official inauguration of the new court building at Cherkovna St in Sofia. Until recently, SANS (State Agency for National Security) was accommodated there.
The armoured screen is located in one of the five court halls, where the criminal cases for human trafficking and drug trafficking will be heard, as well as those on VAT fraud and money laundering. The unique glass box was mounted in order to prevent the abuse of the human dignity of the defendants and the citizens. According to Hristo Angelov, acting currently as Minister of Justice, charged offenders in West European countries often complain that, when placed behind armoured bars, they look as if they have been caged in prison cells and this actually violates their dignity. According to him, the five halls are sufficient for the handling of similar types of cases but, if necessary, another extension can be build in the already existing building.
The new court has offices for all full-time magistrates, who will operate in two's per room. As of next year, the Specialised Crime Court and Prosecutor's Office will appoint a total of 22 judges, 22 prosecutors, 9 investigators and 81 administrative officials. So far, 23 posts have remained vacant. It is expected that 80 cases against organised crime groups will be launched by the Specialised Court as of the beginning of the next year.
The court building has not yet been furnished with equipment, which should be provided by the Supreme Judicial Council. "A sufficient number of security officers has been provided for the operation of the Specialised Criminal Court,'' explained Stanislav Stefanov from Directorate General Security. A total of 30 policemen will monitor the court's security, 23 of them will serve as security guards and 7 officers will act as a court escort.
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Публикувана на 10/18/11 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/184084_The+defendants+to+stand+trial+at+the+Bulgarian+Specialised+Criminal+Court+behind+an+armoured+glass+dock+screen+
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