06/05/12 18:20
Bulgaria proposes Russia to take part in the construction of the 7th unit at the Kozloduy NPP

"The Bulgarian officials have proposed that we consider our participation in the construction of the 7th unit at the Kozloduy NPP. I think that our co-operation will continue and that it has good prospects, despite the refusal of Bulgaria to build the Belene NPP,” he said.
Yesterday, during a forum, dedicated to the Day of the Bulgarian Energetics, Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Evgenia Haritonova declined to comment on the statement of Komarov.
In late March, Bulgaria decided to abandon the project for the construction of the Belene NPP, the agreement on which had been signed by Sofia and Moscow in 2006. The construction of a Thermoelectric Power Plant on natural gas is planned on the site constructed for the Belene NPP. The almost finished reactor for the Belene NPP was considered to be implemented at the Kozloduy NPP, thereby increasing the number of units of the plant to three.
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Публикувана на 06/05/12 18:20 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/205965_Bulgaria+proposes+Russia+to+take+part+in+the+construction+of+the+7th+unit+at+the+Kozloduy++NPP
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