10/18/11 19:07
The levying of excise duty on natural gas to be postponed as long as possible

His comment came a day after Prime Minister Boyko Borissov opposed the idea of the Ministry of Finance to levy excise duty on natural gas as of next year.
The Minister pointed out that, in Bulgaria, natural gas is important for district heating companies because it is directly linked to the development of the sector. The fuel is vital for domestic gasification, for companies that use it as raw material and for transport.
“Although the budget will lose profits from the postponed introduction of the excise duty, it is better that businesses will be able to operate and pay taxes. Economic activity ensures the proceeds to the budget but it cannot be stimulated by introducing more taxes," said the Minister.
“The Government is negotiating in order to attract European investors who will build a training centre for pilots in the country,” added Traikov.
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Публикувана на 10/18/11 19:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/184062_The+levying+of+excise+duty+on+natural+gas+to+be+postponed+as+long+as+possible
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