10/05/11 16:34
Up to 10 mln cu m of natural gas to be transferred to Europe from Kazakhstan

The objective of Bulgaria for 2014 is to transmit to Europe the received supply of 5 -10 mln cu m of Caspian gas, said the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov during the Eurasian Energy Forum KAZENERGY 2011, which was held in the Kazakh capital Astana. Traikov added that the opening of the Southern gas corridor will provide a route for the delivery of up to 20% of the required amounts of natural gas to the EU in 2020. Therefore, the construction of the Nabucco gas pipeline, the gas Interconnection ITGI (Turkey-Greece-Italy) and TAP (Trans Adriatic Pipeline) are the key priorities for the European Community.
The Minister stated that, as a result of these projects, our country will secure the desired diversification of natural gas supply. Actually, Bulgaria is involved in all initiatives for supplies of natural gas from Asia and the Caspian region to the European market - via Turkey to Central Europe and via Turkey to Italy. In 2-3 years, our gas transmission grid will be connected to the networks of Greece, Romania, Turkey and Serbia. The latter will turn us into a major participant in the gas corridor between Asia and Europe, stated also Traikov.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Environment and Water, Nona Karadjova announced that the report on the risk of shale gas production, which was commissioned by the Prime Minister Borissov, has already been drawn up.
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Публикувана на 10/05/11 16:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/182722_Up+to+10+mln+cu+m+of+natural+gas+to+be+transferred+to+Europe+from+Kazakhstan
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