11/14/11 18:29
Germany’s RWE wants to trade electricity in Bulgaria

Meanwhile, it became clear that orders for repairs in the Bulgarian energy sector have increased by 30%. The Central Energy Repair Base (CERB) specified that 2010 was the worst year for the sector and the market began to revive in 2011. CERB expects repairs of power facilities to return to the pre-crisis levels next year.
However, the lack of an investment programme on the part of the State for scheduled repairs of generators and transformers and the insufficient investment on the part of large organisations operating in the sphere of maintenance of energy equipment, remains a serious problem. According CERB, power utilities should increase their investments in maintenance in order to prevent serious accidents. In addition, the environmental standards for thermoelectric power plants should be improved and sizable investments would be needed for this. If these are not made, the price of electricity from thermal power stations may steeply increase next year, CERB officials believe.
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Публикувана на 11/14/11 18:29 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/186798_Germany%E2%80%99s+RWE+wants+to+trade+electricity+in+Bulgaria
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