12/14/11 18:09
Up to €4 bn necessary for broadband Internet in Bulgaria

All central and local administrations must be integrated in a communications network by the end of 2013, projects the new strategy for broadband coverage in Bulgaria which is being drafted by the Transport Ministry. By the end of 2013, the State budget should allocate BGN 44 mln for the purpose. The strategy projects amendments to the laws on electronic communications and spatial planning in order to ease procedures and reduce the investment costs for designing and building the electronic communications networks. Improved management of the frequency spectrum is planned due to the demand for mobile broadband services. Relevant legislation in the field of public and private partnership in the sector is expected to be drafted.
The construction of an infrastructure for fast Internet services in rural areas by the end of 2013 is the first step envisioned in the Strategy. It will cost about BGN 40 mln. The funds will be allocated under Operational Programme Regional Development.
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Публикувана на 12/14/11 18:09 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/189821_Up+to+%E2%82%AC4+bn+necessary+for+broadband+Internet+in+Bulgaria
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