11/20/11 20:00
Bulgarian trade unions withdraw from the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation

"The reform has its flaws. The dramatic decrease in social security contributions led to the current deplorable state of the National Social Security Institute. The final result could be foreseen. Analyses show that neither the saved funds amounting to BGN 51 mln, which were mentioned by Deputy Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov, nor the "accelerated reforms" of the pension increase for 16,000 people could justify the grave and uncoordinated violation of the negotiated retirement system and the national agreement, which was signed by the Prime Minister and the representative organizations of employers and employees," reckoned Plamen Dimitrov. In the coming days, he promised to explain to the GERB government the retirement pay schemes of the US, UK, Germany and France, where specific retirement coefficients are calculated based on the length of pensionable service. "We will continue to defend the additional retirement benefits based on the current form of the coefficiency for the length of pensionable service. In fact, in 2008 we changed and increased them. As a result, they comply with their objective to encourage the employees to remain in the same profession, in the same branch so as to accumulate new qualifications, skills and experience," was explicit the CITUB leader.
According to Doctor Konstantin Trenchev, Chairman of CL "Podkrepa", the last retirement age amendments projected by the GERB government are disturbing. We will demand a personal meeting with the Prime Minister because he should be responsible for the actions of his team, added Konstantin Trenchev.
As of tomorrow, both syndicates are organizing a petition across the whole country. Thus, they will consult their structures whether they are willing to participate in a one-day national strike. The results of the petition and the referendum of CITUB and CL "Podkrepa" will be announced on November 30, when the two unions plan to stage a joint national demonstration, march and rally in front of the National Assembly against the projected increase on the retirement age and the abolition of the retirement classes calculated based on the length of pensionable service.
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Публикувана на 11/20/11 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/187379_Bulgarian+trade+unions+withdraw+from+the+National+Council+for+Tripartite+Cooperation
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