12/21/11 11:35
Philosophy of design objective

22-24 December 2011
"FREE WORKS" by Fabio Rotella
The Museum Gallery of Modern Art
Sofia, 10 Oborishte Str.
Working time: 11:00-19:00
Phone: 02 943 40 00
Phone: 02 946 30 00
FREE WORKS "is named its eclectic exposure famous Italian architect Fabio Rotella. Rotella presents for the first time his works prints, designer furniture, sculptures and lighting to the Bulgarian audience in the Museum of Modern Art Gallery in Sofia. Emblematic artist of contemporary Italian art will also present and 14 selected pictures from the series "Sex and War."
Fabio Rotella, architect, born in Catanzaro in 1963, lives and works in Milan. In 1988/89 achieve a Master at the Domus Academy in Milan. Rotella is a famous cntemporary Italian architect, with whom he refines his designer skills and works for top brands. Classic typology of Rotella`s style that reawakens memories and suppressed emotions, reassuring and intimate, the child of time in which furnishings had a value that went beyond a sense of possessions becoming a testimonial of one’s life.
Fabio Rotella provokes a reflection: “In a historical moment rich with contradictions and disorder returns the need to center our attentions around the intrinsic identity of man and his being, born here is the desire of finding again value and points of reference that can again give security and trust. The reported market of design in the last few years has given us a proliferation of useless products, pervaded by a myriad of variations in the theme of form and use “invading the world”. An object that can exalt the real cultural qualities, giving profound sensations of memory and simplicity but that, at the same time, holds the object of satisfying a market still in existence.

"Contemporary design ambition is certainly not to solve problems, in case, through imaginaries and spurs, is to define new ones. Present-day products themselves incorporate hidden values that sometimes push the object to take distance from the real aim for which it was conceived. All the technical sides and the advantages of the computer programming give the possibility to almost everyone to design an object. Geographical borders have been overthrown and time has considerably shortened, while the living spaces draw attention on new aesthetic and functional features. From public to private, amusement and leisure, comfort and care of ourselves, work and advanced services, pigeonhole themselves in every day life to mould and standardize everyone's needs. The trend to personalize, tame and customize becomes a key characteristic, only the objects that sketch out the trajectories of the future of a project can infuse this characteristic.
“Home” represents the most singular concept of personalization: it is a casing, in which spaces, colour, light and designed elements concur creating an overall quality concept, in which every element contribute to this definition with a strength of its own. An aesthetic balance chosen for whom will dwell the living space, always suitable to every day life. Spatial contents, interacting with objects, acquire more and more value, putting on the stage different points of view on domestic living. Formal and aesthetic choices do not mark stylistic bonds anymore, but simply a starting point to foresee the developments of new judgement indicators.
As proposals and suggestions rise, references, remakes and false innovation fragment, designers have the responsibility to become the interpreter of the different personalities. Today, more than in the past, the choice of an object depends on its capability to look like us, to recognize us, to stimulate our sensibility and to give rise to our new and unknown emotions. Its power to infuse us the energy to let us feel part of present time" says the architect of modern design and its philosophy.

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