Thought as a movement

Crossing the Space/ Thus Spoke Zarathustra
24 March (Thursday), 19:00
31 March (Thursday), 11:00
National Music Theatre
Sofia, 3 Panaiot Volov Str.
Phone: 02 943 19 79
Music: Georgi Arnaudov, Assen Avramov
Choreography: Mila Iskrenova
Costumes: Tsvetanka Petkova-Stoynova
Featuring: Angelina Gavrilova, Aleksandra Savova, Kristine Enkov, Konstantina Handjieva, Marina Popova, Stefka Tabakova, Asen Nakov, Valeri Milenkov, Vassil Dipchikov, Ivan Ivanov, Leander Yanes, Stefan Vuchov, Chan The Chung
Space Crossing explores the subconscious levels of sexuality, the mystery of attraction, repulsion, desire and loneliness.
(Thus spoke Zarathustra)
Music: Richard Strauss, based on the work by Friedrich Nietzsche
Choreography: Mila Iskrenova
Costumes: Nina Pashova
Multimedia: Nikola Nalbantov
Featuring: Angelina Gavrilova, Daniela Ivaniva,Ivelina Michaylova, Kristine Enkov, Marina Popova, Stefka Tabakova, Tanya Katsarova, Asen Nakov, Valeri Milenkov, Vassil Dipchikov, Ivan Ivanov, Stefan Vuchov, Chan The Chung
Mila Iskrenova is one of the most prominent Bulgarian choreographers who has in her repertoire numerous ballets. She works in the field of modern dance. According to the critics she is skilful in the use of ballet as a means of self-expression, the originality of her performances derives from her individual vision of modern art and her own artistic philosophy which includes mysticism and special focus on the complexity of human nature. In 2001 she was appointed pedagogue and choreographer of Ballet Arabesque - the most experimental dance company in Bulgaria. In the past years Mila Iskrenova devoted much of her time to the works of Bach. Now turns to the philosophy of Nishtshe and its musical incarnation - symphonic poem "Thus Spake Zarathustra" by Richard Strauss.
Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman – a rope over an abyss…
Mila Iskrenova’s production is an intuitive and artistic reflection of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s best-known philosophical poem, freeing it from all manipulative and speculative interpretations that have accumulated over time.
ARABESQUE CONTEMPORARY DANCE COMPANY, founded in 1967 is the sole ballet company in Bulgaria with a real prestige for the contemporary staging, based on the unconventional trends in the field of the modern dance. Boriana Sechanova (choreographer) is the Artistic Directorsince 2000. The repertoire of Ballet “Arabesque” contains more than 100 different artistic works. The method of open stage makes “Arabesque” place for the realization of talented Bulgarian and foreign choreographers, composers and scenographers where tradition and vanguard provoke each other. During his nearly forty years of existence, Ballet Arabesque is visiting dozens of countries in five continents around the world.
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Виж всички новини от 2011/03/23