12/27/11 18:47
Garbage fee is still 1.6 per mille for Sofia citizens

Thus, the garbage fee will remain the same as this year, although some citizens and companies might pay more if their real estate properties have new, higher tax evaluation.
The total amount of money earmarked for cleaning activities in the capital city is BGN 151,440,273, out of which BGN 54,880,214 for garbage collection and BGN 41,892,408 – for preliminary separation of household waste, disposal costs and landfill reclamation. BGN 48,904,835 will be allocated to cleaning of public places, out of which BGN 33,267,835 for summer cleaning and BGN 15,637,000 for winter cleaning.
Various options for setting the garbage fee are expected to be presented by June 30, 2012. The current method of calculation, based solely on the tax evaluation of the respective real estate property, provoked a debate among councillors and was unanimously declared unjust by the opposition.
“It is not true that the garbage fee will remain the same. Each year it becomes more unjust and increases for a certain percentage of citizens. Besides, there are people who possess identical flats in one and the same building but pay different garbage fees. There is no logic in this,” said Vladimir Kisyov from the Blue Coalition.
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Публикувана на 12/27/11 18:47 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/190922_Garbage+fee+is+still+1.6+per+mille+for+Sofia+citizens
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