08/11/11 19:24
Economists forecast an exchange rate of BGN 1.20 per dollar

“There is no new economic crisis, only the crisis from 2008 still continues,” stated the economist Emil Harsev during the discussion. According to him, the crisis will not be overcome unless some difficult decisions are taken. "There are two possible steps, but investors and financiers are equally afraid of them. The first is characterised by belt tightening, discipline and economies, ie deflation. The second is printing of money, or inflation, which is not a problem for the USA because they do not owe to the world anything but dollars."
“The current crisis was expected and thus it will not be as deep and heavy as the previous one.” This conclusion emerged as one point of consensus among the economists during the discussion. The theory of Harsev that crises are not severe over the summer months, but become burdensome in October and November, was reminded as well. According to him, the capital markets will reach equilibrium, as the current trends indicate. So, there is no way for Bulgaria to be seriously affected, although there will be repercussions. Harsev said that the Government's decision to increase the minimum wage would not give rise to problems, but would not affect the real economy either, apart from increasing the quasi-tax burden.
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Публикувана на 08/11/11 19:24 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/177691_Economists+forecast+an+exchange+rate+of+BGN+1.20+per+dollar+
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