01/12/12 18:31
Passion and strings

13 January (Friday), 19:00
14 January (Saturday), 19:00
20 January (Friday), 19:00
National Music Theatre
Address: Sofia, 3 Panaiot Volov Str.
Phone: 02 943 19 79
Musical with music by Gipsy Kings and John Cameron
Director: Boyko Iliev
Director producer: Igor Bogdanov
Scene: Evgenia Raeva
Costume: Tsvetanka Petkova-Stoynova
Choreography: Svetlin Ivanov, Antoinette Alexieva
Chorus master: Ludmil Gorchev
Stage effects: Georgi Mladenov
Cascades: First stage Parvanov fighting and fencing: Kamen Ivanov ·
CAST: Merry Delcheva, Anna Topalova, Iva Nikolova, Hope Panayotova, Vladimir Mikhailov, Bogomil Spirov, Rumen Grigorov, Alexander Mutafchiyski, Lachezar Lazarov, T. Velkov George Dzhilyanov, Hristo Academy, Nikolai Borisov, Ivan Benchev, Alexander Vasilev, Georgi Handjiev Assen Androv, Nikolay Dimov, Nikolay Yordanov, Nikola Kabruzov, Ivan Stareyshinski, Ventsislav Velev [guitar]

Zorro! - the Musical!?!
Zorro is the secret identity of Don Diego de la Vega, a fictional wealthy caballero and master swordsman living in Spanish California, who defends the people of the land against injustice. - Book and Lyrics Stephen Clark, with the music motives by gypsy music legends The Gypsy Kings. The Musical original music is co-composed and adapted by John Cameron and the original Story was written by Stephen Clark and Helen Edmundson. First prеmiere was at The Garrick Theatre, London at 15th July, 2008.
Zorro - the Musical promises to retell the dramatic tale of a romantic hero with extraordinary aerial acrobatics, spectacular sword-fighting and incredible magic – all set to the famous red-hot Gipsy King beat brought to the Garrick Theatre stage with the authentic colours of traditional Flamenco which features the choreography of internationally renowned flamenco dancer Rafael Amargo.

As well as being an exciting tale of life in a Spanish settlement in California in the early-19th-century when the inhabitants are being hounded by Ramon, the wicked stepbrother of Don Diego whose father, the Spanish nobleman Don Alejandro, has been imprisoned by Ramon and forced to sign away his power to the incipient ruler. Don Diego, a travelling magician, whose laid-back charm conceals a man of hidden strengths, assumes the guise of El Zorro, the masked bandit and cunning fox who is the only one who can release his people from the tyranny of Ramon. Luisa, the love of his life, cannot see who she is dealing with, but falls in love with Zorro anyway until he reveals his true identity.
When Diego is messing about trying on various disguises, she comments: “What are you going to do, entertain them to death?” Well that’s what “Zorro” the musical is capable of.

Deep inside a cave, a band of gypsies stop to rest for the night, while dancing and singing, they listen eagerly as their leader tells them about an old gypsy myth-the infamous story of the legendary hero, Zorro.
Act I
Don Diego de la Vega, a wealthy young caballero, is set away from his California home by his father, Don Alejandro, to school in Spain. He is forced to leave his childhood love Luisa, who is also being sent away by Diego's father. At the same time, Don Alejandro announces that Diego and Luisa's childhood friend Ramon shall become captain of the army, which pleases both Diego and Luisa.
Later, in Spain, Diego has run away from school and joined a band of Gypsies who perform in the backstreets of the city ("Baila Me"). He is their star attraction, and after showing several tricks to an enthralled audience, he sees Luisa. Luisa persuades Diego to return to California to stop Ramon, who has become a tyrant. Inez, another gypsy, and evidently Diego's lover, is not pleased to see Luisa and decides that she and all the other gypsies must accompany them. In California, Diego finds that Ramon has stripped the people of their rights and has put himself in charge ever since Don Alejandro "died". However, Don Alejandro is not dead and is being held captive by Ramon. Ramon demonstrates his cruelty by sentencing a group of men to death for stealing. As the men are taken away, their women angrily declare their hatred of Ramon and his treatment of the people ("Liberdad").
After witnessing the cruelty of his old friend, and with the help of Inez (the only one who knows his true identity), Diego adopts a heroic alter ego, Zorro, to defend the people of the pueblo ("Hope"). At the same time, to keep his identity secret he presents himself to Ramon as an idiot of no real threat. He offers himself to Ramon as a personal servant, a move that angers Luisa, who believes that she brought Diego back for nothing. The following day the three men, prepare to be hanged, as they are led to the gallows Luisa and the women of the pueblo lament over the way the pueblo used to be and how they still hope that things will get better ("In One Day"). Before the noose can be tightened, Zorro makes a name for himself by saving three men who were sentenced to hang for adding rocks to their sacks of food to gain extra money for their families. Zorro swings in spectacularly out of nowhere and managing to appear almost simultaneously as Zorro and Diego, so that no one will suspect Diego. After another spectacular rescue, Zorro flees from Ramon's guards and find himself in Luisa's bathroom, having walked in on her whilst in the bath. Embarrassed, he lets it slip that he knows her name, but his identity is kept safe from her, and she begins to fall in love with Zorro, just as Diego has always been in love with her ("Falling").
Meanwhile, the gypsies cause a stir in the pueblo by drinking and dancing together ("Bamboleo/There's a tale"), enticing Ramon's cowardly but warm-hearted Sergeant Garcia. Flirting and joking with Garcia, Inez soon finds a new admirer, and Garcia tries his best to act strong and brave like Zorro. But Inez still has eyes for Diego and finds Garcia merely entertaining. Ramon, initially intrigued by the idea of free wine, eventually turns against the gypsies and their radical ways and tries to prevent their activities. He finally attempts to exert his power by forcing himself upon Luisa, the woman he lusts over, but who hates everything that he has become. However, Zorro appears just in time to save Luisa. He forces Ramon to his knees and carves his mark, "Z" into Ramon's chest, as Ramon screams in agony and anger.
Act II
The second act opens with the band of gypsies from the prologue reappearing on stage and performing a large song and dance routine. ("Entrada") When the storyline continues, it begins with Ramon reveals the full extent of his injury. He is permanently branded with the mark of Zorro. The gypsies and citizens mock him, and he angrily declares a curfew and that anyone out after the curfew will be shot. The crowd protests ("Freedom"). Inez tells Luisa that it is too dangerous for her. Luisa says that she knows a place where Ramon can never find her. Ramon orders the guards to shoot into the crowd. The people flee leaving Inez and Ramon alone. She tells Ramon that his empire is crumbling around him and that soon his greed will consume him ("Bamboleo" (reprise)). Ramon leaves in denial, but her words have a great effect on him. Diego tries to advise Garcia on how to express his love for Inez, but when she arrives, Garcia becomes embarrassed and runs off. Diego enquires about Luisa's whereabouts. Inez tells him and also admits that she understands that Diego loves Luisa. Diego (dressed as Zorro) finds the cave where Luisa is hiding. Luisa confesses her feelings to Zorro and the two dance outside the cave together ("Serenade"). The dance ends with Diego kissing Luisa but then pulling away. Luisa asks him why he's so afraid of his feelings, Diego (who is standing watch outside) sadly confesses that he wants to be with Luisa but is afraid that he risks putting her life in danger ("A Love We'll Never Live").
The following day Garcia tries to impress Inez ("One more beer"). Ramon, still distressed by Inez's words, goes to confession; he soon notices the priest is actually Zorro, who is trying to find Don Alejandro. He sets a trap for Zorro, but Zorro manages to escape. Luisa goes to the gypsy camp where Inez transforms her into a gypsy ("Djobi Djoba"). Ramon bursts in and arrests Luisa. Inez calls Garcia a coward because he does nothing to stop Ramon. Luisa is about to be shot when Zorro, accompanied by several other men dressed as Zorro, fights off the guards. Ramon puts a knife to Inez's throat and tries to make Zorro choose between Luisa and Inez, but Inez throws Ramon to the ground. She tells Ramon that the love between Zorro and Luisa is a love that he can never know. Ramon produces a pistol from his pocket and shoots Inez. A heartbroken Zorro surrenders and is dragged away by the guards as Ramon forces Luisa to agree to marry him. As Ramon leaves with Luisa, the gypsies appear and begin to mourn as they carry Inez's body away.
In his prison cell Diego laments his failure to protect the people and blames himself for the suffering of the ones he loves ("Hope" (reprise)). Garcia arrives and, admitting his cowardice, tells Zorro that he can take him to Don Alejandro. Meanwhile, Luisa is dressed by attendants for her wedding to Ramon. She wishes that she could have known the true identity of Zorro ("The Man Behind the Mask") and laments that in order to protect her love she must sacrifice it as well as her happiness. As the wedding begins, Zorro arrives, but this Zorro is revealed to be Don Alejandro, who confronts Ramon about his cruelty. The guards now turn against Ramon, and Don Alejandro orders Ramon to be arrested. But Ramon says that if they dare to arrest him, he will kill Luisa.
The wedding proceeds, but just before Luisa gives her vows, Zorro swings into the chapel. During the ensuing sword fight with Ramon, Zorro reveals his true identity to Ramon and asks him to stop fighting, saying that they are brothers. Ramon appears to agree but then draws a small knife. Diego evades the blade and causes Ramon to fall on his own knife. Ramon is fatally wounded and dies. Diego is distressed by what he has done, when Luisa and Don Alejandro reenter the room. Luisa, seeing that Zorro is unmasked, begs him to show her his face. Reluctantly he does so and Luisa is shocked by the discovery that Zorro is Diego, but still declares that she loves him. The two kiss and embrace.
All rejoice ("Fiesta").
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Публикувана на 01/12/12 18:31 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/192259_Passion+and+strings
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