02/19/12 18:55
Exports of electricity to be restored on Tuesday

This was the second ban on exports of electricity this month. The first time, exports were stopped because of the strike of the workers from the Maritza East Mines. The current ban was introduced due to the high consumption in the country in the extremely cold weather. Another reason was that the mines were not able to deliver coal to the TPPs because of flooding there.
In recent days, the load of the energy system will not exceed 6,700 MW, which is normal for consumption in the winter months. Experts from the Electricity System Operator (ESO) do not expect the consumption of electricity to exceed 6,530 MW in the coming days. ESO has no data about the amounts of electricity transferred through the country in the last 3 days. According to the data from February 16, between 457 MW and 656 MW of electricity were transferred through our territory at different times of the day, and these quantities came from Romania. Exports were mainly to Serbia and Macedonia, and smaller amounts of electricity were transferred to Greece and Turkey.
NEK suffered damages because of the cancelled exports of electricity because the company manages to cover its loss from the sale of electricity on the regulated market with the proceeds from exports.
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Публикувана на 02/19/12 18:55 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/195914_Exports+of+electricity+to+be+restored+on+Tuesday
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