03/01/12 19:30
Twelve Bulgarian companies to present at the International Wine Fair

The visitors and guests at ProWein 2012 will be acquainted with the Bulgarian wine producers at our national stand of 137 sqm, located in Hall 3 of the MesseDuesseldorf exhibition centre, where specially selected wines from the following wineries would be presented: Winery JSC, Asenovgrad; Koveks – 2 Ltd. Panagyurishte ; Telish Jsc, Sofia; Light Castle Ltd, Ivaylovgrad; Burgozone Ltd. Oryahovo; Yambol Winery Jsc; Wine House Logodazh Ltd; Katrazhina Estate Ltd, Svilengrad; Winery Svishtov Ltd; Panda Invest Ltd. Yambol; Vinex Slavyantsi.
The ProWein Fair 2012 is included in the program of the Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME) for 2011-2012, which organises the participation Bulgarian small and medium enterprises in international specialised exhibitions.
The Bulgarian participation in the fair is funded under Project BG161PO003 - 4.2.01-0001 - "Promoting the Internationalisation of Bulgarian Enterprises", to which ASME is a beneficiary.
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Публикувана на 03/01/12 19:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/197081_Twelve+Bulgarian+companies+to+present+at+the+International+Wine+Fair
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