03/05/12 17:13

SMEs are not aware of the standards to use

About one-third of the representatives of small- and medium-sized companies do not know where to buy the standards they are interested in and which they need for their work, showed a survey of the Bulgarian Institute for Standardisation (BIS) conducted throughout the country. According to the survey, firms employing more than 50 people tend to believe that the application of standards is crucial to their business - 65.1% share that opinion, while among smaller companies this percentage is 45.9. Larger firms seem to be more informed, 62% of them saying that they are well acquainted with the standards they apply in their sector, vs 48.6% among the firms with less than 50 employees. Larger companies are also more familiar with quality requirements. Their percentage is 82.9%, vs 73% among smaller businesses. The attitudes towards the participation in the development of standards are not very different - 47.3% of the medium-sized and 36.8% of the small-sized firms like the idea.

The survey also shows that domestic enterprises and companies believe that standards are important for their operation. This applies to BIS members (96.6%) as well as to the rest (81.6%) of the polled companies. Having obtained the necessary information about the standards, BIS members (92.8%) purchase them from BIS. Many of the non-BIS members (39.9%) say they buy them from other standardisation bodies or do not specify where they obtain them from. The main advantages of BIS membership, according to companies in Sofia, are connected with the opportunities to communicate and exchange information with partners and competitors (60.3%) and to receive priority information on standardisation and the drafts for the standards which are being developed (58.8%).
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