07/24/11 19:36
Left-wing parties propose a Joint Front against GERB. Right-wing forces are not interested in the Union

The idea of a wide-ranging front against GERB came as a surprise to some of the parties which had announced that they would support the vote of no-confidence. The debates on the vote are to be launched today.
Co-Chair of the Blue Coalition and Leader of the Union of Democratic Forces (UDF), Martin Dimitrov, stated on BNR, that during all these years, BSP had always been the main opponent of the UDF and the Blue Coalition. Dimitrov was clear that the UDF had not the intention to find common ground with BSP.
"Mr. Stanishev is hardly the man who is capable of uniting parties, let alone right-wing parties," said for Klassa Veselin Metodiev, MP from the Blue Coalition, Chairman of the Election Headquarters of the Democrats for Strong Bulgaria (DSB).
The will to unite with left-wing parties, however, was expressed by Deputy-Chairman of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) Christo Bisserov. According to him, “the most important issue that we want to show with the vote is that this Government has exhausted its capacity to cope with the problems and it must resign. But the Government must not to be replaced within this Parliament, not through changing the management formula because the entire Parliament has to be changed. According to Bisserov, the fact that MRF's Leader Ahmed Dogan has signed the request for the vote of no-confidence is a rather symptomatic sign, regardless whether Dogan will attend the debate and the vote. Bisserov predicted the there will be at least 100 votes against the Government tomorrow. He pointed out that DPS is ready and will work for early Parliamentary elections.
Order Law and Justice (OLJ) party’s Leader Yane Yanev said that if Tsvetanov has some honesty and conscience, he would hand over his resignation to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on Monday morning, before nine o'clock. The MPs from the former OLJ Group will support the vote of no-confidence against the Cabinet.
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Публикувана на 07/24/11 19:36 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/176128_Left-wing+parties+propose+a+Joint+Front+against+GERB.+Right-wing+forces+are+not+interested+in+the+Union
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