03/22/12 19:13
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski is Bulgaria’s most prestigious university

“Over the past five years, over 55,000 Bulgarians graduated in Economy and over 25, 000 in Administration and Management degree programmes,” said Georgi Stoychev, Executive Director, Open Society Institute Sofia. "The preferences of young people have formed the ratio of graduates in our country as 2-2-1. This means two engineers to every two economists and one specialist with a diploma in administration and management, " he added.
The data shows that graduates of military schools, mathematicians, specialists in informatics and computer equipment are among the best paid young specialists, with an insurance income of BGN 1,200-1,500. There is zero unemployment among the graduates from military and medical universities, and among specialists in informatics and computer science. Young doctors are also employed for sure but every second one leaves the country in order to seek a better life abroad, explained experts from the Open Society Institute.
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Публикувана на 03/22/12 19:13 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199147_Sofia+University+St.+Kliment+Ohridski+is+Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+most+prestigious+university++
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