04/06/11 18:28
Botanical Garden in Balchik returned to Sofia University

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” was given back the right to manage the Botanical Garden in Balchik at the Cabinet’s yesterday meeting. PM Boyko Borissov handed to Professor Ivan Ilchev, Rector of Sofia University, a document for this at the beginning of the Government’s meeting. The Prime Minister had a decisive role for reaching reconciliation with the Ministry of Culture and the prevention of protests planned by Alma Mater.
“The important thing is that sound judgement triumphed after the intervention of the Prime Minister, because this pearl at the Black Sea coast should be protected and developed and there should be no construction on its territory,” Professor Ilchev pointed out. Under the Cabinet’s decision, the Ministry of Culture shall concede to Sofia University the right to manage 183 dca within “The Palace” complex.
The Ministry of Culture will remain in charge of the buildings within the complex. The Government’s decision explicitly confirms the desire of Sofia University that nothing should be build on the territory of the Botanical Garden and that it shall remain “protected area”.
Professor Ilchev explained that students will be trained in the Botanical Garden, the Ministry of Culture will have free access to it, and the money received from it will be reinvested in its maintenance and development. “The agreement with the Ministry of Culture is to be signed again,” added the Rector of Sofia University.
The argument over the management of the Botanical Garden in Balchik resumed after the Supreme Administrative Court ruled that the management rights on the garden would be transferred to the Ministry of Culture. The Botanical Garden has been a subject of argument between governments and Sofia University for more than 12 years and the lawsuits have always been won by the university so far.
“We hope that the next government would not repeal the present decision on the garden’s management,” said Professor Ilchev.
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Публикувана на 04/06/11 18:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/164708_Botanical+Garden+in+Balchik+returned+to+Sofia+University
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