03/27/12 20:30
Franchise and freight forwarding of foodstuffs can boost the transport branch

"Franchise is a project of the future representing a sustainable and social development model of the transport sector," stated yesterday Hristo Hristov, a Founder and CEO of the DISCORDIA PLC - international transport and forwarding during the Business Forum 'My Success in Logistics'. The sole proprietors using the company's name and know-how work in a more motivated and cost-efficient way, incurring lower expenditures, while the average mileage in kilometres per day is 24% higher. According to data of the branch, the current profitability per 1 km travelled can reach up to €0, 50 or about BGN 1. The value of the mileage may vary depending on the actual load of vehicles, as well as on kilometres travelled. According to branch experts, fuel costs can be reduced by 14% if drivers go through training courses on cost-efficient driving. Besides the initial training, courses must be attended again in a period of 12 - 18 months.
The transportation of foodstuffs is one of the vacant niches on the market today, stated Rossen Dimitrov, Director of SOMAT during the Forum. According to him, current demand in this sector is very high. Companies providing transportation services should be oriented towards the markets of the former USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
Water transport remains the cheapest and most environmentally friendly mode of transport, compared to rail and road forwarding, according to branch experts. However, the latter is also risky because of its dependence on weather conditions. Dimitrov stated that forwarding companies can develop a successful business in Qatar because the region is advancing dynamically. Hristov added that businesses should diversify since, if one's activity is profitable today, it might turn out to be cost-inefficient the day after. This will help minimise the effects of market fluctuations.
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Публикувана на 03/27/12 20:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199642_Franchise+and+freight+forwarding+of+foodstuffs+can+boost+the+transport+branch
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