03/28/12 17:53
Increase of 8.3% in the volume of international courier shipments

The annual survey of the international courrier dispatche was conducted by Gallup International among 709 companies from various branches such as textiles, wholesale trade, transport, chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and others. The survey data shows that the revenues of the sector reached approximately €18 mln, which is by 7.59% higher year-on-year. A decline of about 0.61 percent was reported in terms of the average courier shipments, which reached €48.52, while in 2010 these were € 48.82.
Some 10% of the international shipments were ordered by physical persons, while all others were commissioned by companies.
Last year, Bulgarian trade turnover with Germany increased from 45% to 47% of all courier consignments. "These figures show that every second company has exported its product to Germany," explained also Stoyanov. Besides, in 2011 there was a positive growth of consignments to the Balkan countries, which reached some 54% of all shipments. A total of 84% of international courier consignments had a weight of 0.5 kg and the bulk of these are documents. The volume of shipments of packages of over 5 kg stood at 30%.
The statistics also reported a minimum drop in demand for deliveries within 9 or 12 hours in the day after the dispatch. Stoyanov commented that the service is a bit more expensive, which illustrates that pricing remains an important factor for companies.
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Публикувана на 03/28/12 17:53 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199748_Increase+of+8.3%25++in+the+volume+of+international+courier+shipments
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