04/03/12 20:06
Some 80% of high school seniors decide by themselves where to go to university

Some 80% of high school graduates decide on their own where to continue their with studies, according to data of a survey of the High School of Insurance and Finance and Association 'Parents', released today.
The survey was conducted among 170 high school students from Sofia-based schools and 50 parents of high school students. Some 17% of seniors follow the opinion of their parents, while only 3% are influenced by the choice of their grandparents and other relatives, indicated also the survey.
When seeking information on the universities, about half of the graduates inform themselves and make their choices on the Internet. Twice less are those who rely on recommendations and consult their friends and acquaintances. Only 16% of respondents admitted that they consulted the opinions of their family and relatives.
In fact, 28% of the surveyed parents stated their liberal attitude in terms of their children's choice of university, arguing that "their child is capable of making an independent choice." Another 26% of the parents stated that they would participate in the decision of their child only if asked for opinion. The same number were those, who were convinced of the need to intervene in the decision of their kid since they are "better informed about the higher education programmes."
In fact, parents have ambivalent attitudes as to whether the public or private universities offer more prospective education, which was expressed in the ratio of 45% to 45%, reported the survey. This indicated that consumers' perception of the form of university ownership is not determinative for the quality of education as well as with respect to the opportunities and career prospects for young people.
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Публикувана на 04/03/12 20:06 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/200336_Some+80%25+of+high+school+seniors+decide+by+themselves+where+to+go+to+university
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