04/10/12 19:10
Business management of buildings increases by 20% in a year

Businesses related to the management of buildings, called facility management, increased by 20%, according to the analysis of the company Facility Optimum Bulgaria. Total turnover at the end of March this year was BGN 1.356 bn, or BGN 226 mln more than that at the beginning of 2011. The area for which services are being provided at the moment is approximately 1.15 million sq m. Last year, added space was about 260,000 sq m, showed the data.
The rate for administrative and office buildings also rose by about 3% on an annual basis. Increased interest in commercial spaces and retail stores was also observed - an increase of 2%. Considerable decline was reported in terms of residential complexes. While the share of those who used professional facility management in 2010 reached about 10% of all users, in 2011 this proportion decreased to 7%. Industrial sites are also more passive, as well as logistics parks. There was a decrease of some 3%.
Cleaning services are in demand. Almost 19 of every 20 users have used this option. Security services were used by 92% of all clients. Fire and emergency services ranked third with 76%.
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Публикувана на 04/10/12 19:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/201017_Business+management+of+buildings+increases+by+20%25+in+a+year+
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