04/11/12 20:00
Bulgaria will build the 7th unit of NPP Kozloduy on a market-based principle

The GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria party) government adopted a decision to launch the procedure for selecting an investor to construct the 7th unit of NPP Kozloduy, announced the Deputy PM and Finance Minister, Simeon Djankov after the GERB Cabinet meeting yesterday. Voting on such a decision is obligatory prior to the actual project launch, specified he.
The new reactor will be constructed based on a market-oriented principle, which was also voted by the ministers. "We - from the Ministry of Finance also insisted that the decision should contain a text, saying that the construction would be on market-oriented principle. Besides, the state will not grant any guarantees nor will it bear financial burdens on the project in the form of direct loans," highlighted the Top financier.
Besides,no contract has been signed yet for the set up of a project company to construct the 7th unit of NPP Kozloduy, announced Djankov. He indicated that thanks to the yesterday's vote, more specific additional decisions can be inked. "I think that the proper project implementation needs the establishment of a project company, but this is due to happen," specfied Djankov. In his words, it has not yet been decided as to whether the Bulgarian state will participate in it and with what share percentage.
The possible future project company will be authorised to borrow loans for the reactor's construction. "The decision for NPP Belene construction failed to specify who and how much has to pay. With respect to the construction of the 7th unit of NPP Kozloduy, we would like to make it clear even from now, that the Bulgarian taxpayer will not bear the financial burdens of the NPP project. "
In order to launch the actual construction works on the new unit at NPP Kozloduy, the Bulgarian Minister of Economy must submit a report thereof to the Cabinet to be voted on. It must be accompanied by legal and organisational form for the project implementation, announced the GERB government press office. Besides, the construction of a new capacity cannot happen without the issuance of a building license and permit pursuant to Bulgarian laws and under the EU standards.
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Публикувана на 04/11/12 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/201158_Bulgaria+will+build+the+7th+unit+of+NPP+Kozloduy+on+a+market-based+principle+
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