04/20/12 17:12
Executive Agency for Promotion of SMEs: Ministry of Economy is to blame for the delay under OP Competitiveness

“The managing authority has to present its evaluation after our agency and it is delayed for months,” she said, hinting that the Ministry delays the money earmarked for participation of Bulgarian companies in international exhibitions. This prompted a scandal regarding the participation of our companies in the tourism forum in Moscow. These exhibitions are part of the project for promotion of the internationalisation of Bulgarian enterprises, in which the agency is a beneficiary. The project is for a period of three years and is worth BGN 27 mln.
Today, Mariana Veikova and her team reported the two-year results of its implementation. Money from this programme was invested in the creation of a special export portal, which reported a total of 16,300 visits in seven months. Nearly 1,800 companies are users of this website. However, only 13 foreign companies have sought business partnerships in Bulgaria through it.
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Публикувана на 04/20/12 17:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/201758_Executive+Agency+for+Promotion+of+SMEs%3A+Ministry+of+Economy+is+to+blame+for+the+delay+under+OP+Competitiveness
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