05/07/12 19:00
The Kozloduy International Fund to allocate BGN 20 mln for improvement of the Sofia Central Heating Utility

"If more funds are needed for the modernisation of the Sofia Central Heating Utility, they will be borrowed from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development," added Dobrev. The funds will be utilised for the upgrading of the turbogenerator of TPP Sofia-East, as well as the cogeneration facility of TPP Sofia. Besides, systems for capturing of flue gas and its processing into thermal energy in the heat generator № 9 of TPP Sofia and in the temporary heating plants will also be constructed. A replacement of 102 km-long steam pipelines will be carried out in the period 2013 - 2015.
The Sofia Central Heating Utility finally finished the replacement of the old subscriberсs' substations of the household consumers of the Sofia capital. The process started in 2003 and ended with the launch of the new subscriber building, located at № 30 Ivan Vazov Str. in Sofia, yesterday in the presence of Minister Delyan Dobrev, Stoyan Tsvetanov, Director of the Sofia Central Heating Utility, Elen Georgiev, Chairman of Sofia Municipal Council and Daniel Berg, Head of the EBRD - Bulgaria.
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Публикувана на 05/07/12 19:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/203174_The+Kozloduy+International+Fund+to+allocate+BGN+20+mln+for+improvement+of+the+Sofia+Central+Heating+Utility
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