05/15/12 18:30
Interpol to search for the Galevi Brothers

The underground bosses of the town of Doupnitsa have not officially left our country because they were imposed a restrictive measure. This means that if they did leave Bulgaria, this was done illegally. According to the Minister, Plamen Galev and Angel Hristov may be hiding in our country.
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior, Kalin Georgiev said that Interpol would issue a European arrest warrant for the Brothers, followed by the issuance of the so-called Red Notice for international search.
According to Georgiev, MI is the last institution, which is relevant to the topic. He reminded that the Chief Prosecutor and Minister of Justice had already delivered their comment on the issue. "We have overlapping facts and circumstances regarding the case as well as a law gap, legal loophole, and maybe a lack of flexibility in the judiciary," stated also the Commissioner-General.
He expressed hope that Brothers Galevi would have the same fate as Hristoforos Amanatidis-Taki, who was arrested last week in Dubai by Interpol officers. At that point, Kalin Georgiev refuted the initially released information that Taki had surrendered himself.
The top-ranking Bulgarian policeman also commented on the sugar affair, on the occasion of which on 19 May, Grisha Ganchev's son Daniel was arrested. "We witnessed a complex criminal scheme.... We came across a well-organised criminal group, which had seriously defrauded the state budget," reckoned the Commissioner-General and mentioned about the forthcoming most complicated investigation activity referring to the documenting of the entire criminal activity.
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Публикувана на 05/15/12 18:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204018_Interpol+to+search+for+the+Galevi+Brothers+
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