05/20/12 20:30
According to CDCOC data, up to BGN 1 bn annually drained from Bulgaria to offshore zones

Up to BGN 1 bn annually are being drained from the state budget to offshore zones, while simultaneously Bulgaria is still widely using financial agents (the so-called "mules") to transfer money to third countries. Thus, Bulgaria remains a major source of this type of players directed at the developed world. The main reason for our compatriots to transfer illegal money abroad is the low standard of living. This data was reported by Yavor Kolev, Head of the Department of Computer Crimes, Intellectual Property and Gaming with the Chief Directorate for Combating Organised Crime (CDCOC) during a seminar in the town of Velingrad. By contrast, the direct investment in our country last year, according to the official data of BNB (Bulgarian National Bank), amounted to Euro 1.341 bn or nearly BGN 2.6 bn.
In 2011, there was intense activity of quite many gangs stealing databases of companies, as well as other valuable corporate information, reported the expert. This happens mostly because of the presence of negligent and ill-trained administrators.
As regards counterfeit goods such as medicines, clothes and perfumes, over 60 pirate website have been banned. Unfortunately, the detected criminals are soon replaced by new ones, who quickly fill the vacated niche. The bulk of criminal gangs are well-organised and structured, using paid hacking services, thus accessing a different type of information.
For 2011 alone, as a result of cybercrime, around $1 trln.were drained illegally and circulated worldwide.
The banking system plays a very important role in the protection against cybercrime and, therefore, seriously collaborates in partnership with eBay and PayPal and the social networks. This is implemented with the aim of preventing the theft of personal data. There is also active collaboration with Europol, Interpol, as well as with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the US Secret Service and others. The most effective counteraction against cybercrime can be achieved only in partnership at all levels with the GERB government, NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and the business sector, commented Albena Spassova, Chairwoman of the International Cyber Investigation Training Academy.
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Публикувана на 05/20/12 20:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204477_According+to+CDCOC+data%2C+up+to+BGN+1+bn+annually+drained+from+Bulgaria+to+offshore+zones+
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