06/12/12 18:40
Foreign tourists complain of the low-quality all-inclusive holiday service offered by Bulgarian tour operators

Many complaints about the low-quality services of the type all-inclusive holiday packages were filed against hundreds of hotels in Bulgaria, wrote the România Liberă daily, quoted by BTA (Bulgarian Telegraph Agency). The newspaper noted that the initiative on the restriction of the provision of all-inclusive tourist services to luxury hotels only is now supported by the Bulgarian GERB government after some discrepancies were detected between the capacity for accommodation and the provision of this service by restaurants.
Many tourists have complained that the menus are unvaried, while drinks are of poor quality. It became clear that, last year alone, more than 300 hotels were penalised for having offered poor-quality food in this type of tourist packages.
This year, our northern neighbour will offer all-inclusive holiday packages, including three-star hotels at the Black Sea resorts. The package will include three meals at an all-you-can-eat buffet and drinks, as well as free access to the swimming pool, sun beds and parasols on the beach and free play areas for children. The price of 5- night packages starts from RON 895 (the Euro traded for RON 4.46) per person in the 5-star hotels and reach RON 795 and RON 696 for the 3- or 4-star hotels, respectively.
The draft of a new Tourism Act provides for some changes aimed at improving the level of tourist services. Among the proposals for changes in the Sunny Beach resort are also those referring to the working hours of all open establishments to be limited to 24.00 hrs, while tourist groups in bar-tours after midnight will not change the club. By 00.00 hrs, the group must have entered the last in a row of establishments. It must be indoors and soundproof. These legislative amendments will be submitted to the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism on Thursday, stated the Chairwoman of the Management Board of the Union of Owners of Sunny Beach, Elena Ivanova.
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Публикувана на 06/12/12 18:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/206708_Foreign+tourists+complain+of+the+low-quality+all-inclusive+holiday+service+offered+by+Bulgarian+tour+operators
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