07/06/11 18:29
Societe Generale Expressbank is Bank of the Year

"Banks survived the crisis without serious problems," said Philippe Lhotte, CEO of Societe Generale Expressbank. According to him, Bulgaria has a very good image abroad. He added that “users should not worry about borrowing”. UniCredit Bulbank is winner in the Client’s Bank 2010 category, receiving 11,000 votes out of 45,000 possible . Citibank N.A. got the Best Bank Branch in Bulgaria award. This year’s Development Dynamics award, distinguishing the institution with largest growth, went to the Corporate Commercial Bank.
The Mystery Client category was introduced for the first time and Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria is the holder of the prize. Quality of work and services were the main selection criteria under this category. "More than 500 branches all over the country have been checked twice to select the winner," said Panayotov. DSK Bank received the recognition for Efficiency and the Market Share prize went to First Investment Bank.
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Публикувана на 07/06/11 18:29 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174319_Societe+Generale+Expressbank+is+Bank+of+the+Year
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