06/19/12 17:28
Doctors accuse the management of Pirogov of financial violations

The specialist, who replaced Dr. Toshev on his position, does not meet the requirements, set by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF).
“A base campaign began, aimed at discrediting me and dismissing me from the hospital. At first, I could not understand the reason, but things became clear to me afterwards,” complained the former head of traumatologists. According to Dr. Toshev, for years on end, Pirogov’s Director had exerted pressure on him, forcing him to commit a documentary fraud. “There is an ordinance on additional remuneration for surgeries. But there are phycisians in the clinic, who do not operate, and even people, who may not occupy the position of an orthopedic surgeon. Therefore, they cannot receive money for surgeries. Such people used to grumble in front of the Director for not getting additional remuneration. I told him to order that they be paid, if he wanted to, but not make me commit documentary frauds,” explained Dr. Toshev.
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Публикувана на 06/19/12 17:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/207199_Doctors+accuse+the+management+of+Pirogov+of+financial+violations
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