06/24/12 17:17
Bereta Trading: An employee is guilty for the explosions near the Petolachkata junction, close to Sliven
“The blast in the ammunition depot near the Petolachkata junction, close to Sliven, which killed three people, was caused by unauthorised touch and handling of the ammunitions,” said Desislav Delev, owner of the Bereta Trading company for bTV. The stores of the company were blown up three weeks ago.Delev admitted that there were other ammunitions in the depot than those which were under contract with the Ministry of Defence. According to his allegations, they arrived at the base, packaged just as the ammunition, which the company used to dismantle.
The Head of Bereta Trading said that the ammunitions were taken by the employee Vasil Trifonov, but they were packed and he was not able to see what's inside. The workers in the base understood that the ammunitions were different only when they opened the packing cases. The workers photographed the weapons and notified the company’s management, which, in turn, had to decide what to do.
"The difference between the two ammunitions could not kill anyone, neither could their storage in the base. The trouble happens when someone touches something that he is not authorised to work with," said Desislav Delev. He explained that the worker who opened the package and tried to work with the ammunition was warned not to touch it. According to the owner of Bereta Trading, this means that the utilisation technology did not cause the explosions.
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Публикувана на 06/24/12 17:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/207497_Bereta+Trading%3A+An+employee+is+guilty+for+the+explosions+near+the+Petolachkata+junction%2C+close+to+Sliven
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