05/20/12 19:55
According to BICA, the share of the grey economy in Bulgaria has reached 40%

The grey economy in Bulgaria constitutes some 40%, according to a survey conducted by the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA) for the period 2009-2013 under the project "Prevention and Reduction of the Informal Economy." The data was presented at a roundtable in the village of Arbanassi with the participation of business representatives, regional authorities, public institutions and social partners. In order to study and curb the informal economy, BICA experts have surveyed three main groups including Bulgarian citizens, employers and employees in 11 industrial sectors. The project was funded under Operational Programme Human Resources, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund.
Tourism, construction and the healthcare system are the three sectors comprising the highest share of some 70% of the grey economy. The machine building sector and postal services are at the lowest levels as regards informal economic practices, announced Professor Emilia Chengelova, Expert Sociologist with the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association .
52% or almost half of employers believe that the shady practices in the economy result from the overall state policy regulating the business environment, while 49% of them attribute these to the imperfections and loopholes in the legislation, while according to 44% of the respondents, the latter are due to the inefficiency of the judicial system. There is a tacit consensus reached between employees and employers on illegal labour - it is beneficial for both parties because the workers earn money, while the companies save money from the payment of all kinds of insurance contributions, commented Professor Emilia Chengelova.
The front runners in terms of the grey economy are the towns of Burgas, Yambol, Haskovo, Rousse, Pazardzhik, Pernik and Petrich. Veliko Tarnovo ranks somewhere in the middle of the chart with a 35-40% share of the shady business sector, showed the survey results. Over the past two years, a stable trend has been observed of a steady retention and increase in the informal sector because of the economic crisis.
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Публикувана на 05/20/12 19:55 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204475_According+to+BICA%2C+the+share+of+the+grey+economy+in+Bulgaria+has+reached+40%25+
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