06/26/12 17:01
Bulgargaz: Sofia may remain without hot water as of July 2

The liabilities of the Sofia Central Heating Utility to Bulgargaz amount to BGN 154 mln. They increased from BGN 74 mln before the start of the heating season in October 2011. In a letter to the heating company last week, the public gas supplier demanded its overdue money but received no response. Bulgargaz has lost BGN 230 mln so far and according to its Executive Director, Dimitar Gogov, the company cannot bear such a burden. “We strongly insist on having our receivables immediately paid, bringing them at least to the level of October 1,” said the Executive Director of Bulgargaz.
Gogov made his statement during the discussion on how much should the price of natural gas increase as of July 1. SEWRC suggested that the price hike should be less than 5%, while Bulgargas demanded an almost 16% increase. SEWRC’s Chairman Angel Semerdjiev asked Bulgargaz to work in such a way so as to ensure affordable prices of natural gas for consumers, and hence – of central heating and hot water.
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Публикувана на 06/26/12 17:01 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/207675_Bulgargaz%3A+Sofia+may+remain+without+hot+water+as+of+July+2
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