07/16/12 17:07
Forbes: Greece Should Adopt Flat Tax Like Bulgaria

The hideous economic contraction in Greece is partly due to economic uncertainty but it is also a consequence of tax hikes for a private sector that was already breaking down under the weight of high taxes. As a result of all this, 6,000 companies have relocated to neighboring Bulgaria, the magazine reports and points out what attraction Bulgaria has to offer to Greek business leaders. The 10% personal income tax rate and the 10% corporate tax rate, along with 20% value added tax, which is below the 23% levied currently in Greece, and the currency peg to the euro are all considered advantages.
The magazine suggests that Greece should follow Bulgaria's example by introducing a flat tax system, given that the same move in its neighbor brought a 5.24% increase in tax receipts in the first year of implementation. That’s more of an increase in revenue than Greece’s government has gotten from all of its tax-hiking austerity attempts.
The Greek Cabinet should then cut its spending dramatically, combining austerity with growth - the same strategy used by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.
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Публикувана на 07/16/12 17:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/208674_Forbes%3A+Greece+Should+Adopt+Flat+Tax+Like+Bulgaria
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