07/26/12 18:28
The Ferry Complex may hinder privatisation of the Freight Services unit of BDZ

At present, BSR owns the two bridges and the cart replacement workshop, an essential part of the Ferry Complex technology. Under European requirements, all carriers must be granted equal infrastructure access. This means that the new owner of the company will be forced to share its newly-acquired assets with other market players.
"This is exactly the kind of asset uncertainties and hidden obligations that put off many of the potential buyers of the freight services unit," explained Minchev, who is also Vice-Chairman of the Governing Council of the Bulgarian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He said such problems dissuaded Russian investors, who showed serious interest.
According to Georgi Minchev the new procedure for privatisation of the freight services must be prepared in consultation with CPC in order to avoid further complications like the Ferry complex.
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Публикувана на 07/26/12 18:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209267_The+Ferry+Complex+may+hinder+privatisation+of+the+Freight+Services+unit+of+BDZ+
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