03/26/12 20:15
Valentin Zahariev to be investigated for a deliberate bankruptcy of the Lead and Zinc Complex Plc - Kardzhali

Before bTV, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev stated that he would negotiate with the creditor banks for replacing the management of the Lead and Zinc Complex Plc. - Kardzhali. "The banks may request the dismissal of the management board, as well as the appointment of a new one in order to stabilise financially the company and to start transferring the salaries," specified Dobrev, stressing that the government was not a party to the dispute.
According to the Minister, it is important to replace the old management, which could otherwise pay the wages to the employees and leave them penniless again in a month. "The activities of Mr. Zahariev should be audited carefully by the NRA (National Revenue Agency) and other investigative bodies," added Delian Dobrev. He will visit the town of Kardzhali for an on-the-spot inspection of the dire situation concerning the protesting metallurgists.
The employees of the Kardzhali-based Lead and Zinc Complex decided to block every day from 9.30 till 10.30 a.m. the road Kardjali-Haskovo in the section in front of the plant, announced Ivanka Karakoleva, Chairwoman of CITUB (Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria) in the Kardzhali District, cited by BNR (Bulgarian National Radio). According to the trade unions, the factory's owner Valentin Zahariev cannot ensure the necessary funds to pay the wages of the protesters and restore the proper production process. In fact, Zahariev owes nearly BGN 1 mln to the employees. The majority of the metallurgists receive some BGN 400-500 per month.
The half-hour blocking of the road yesterday was just a warning. If the protests staged before the plant have no effect, the employees will begin to block the roundabout at the town's bus station where five major roads intersect, added Karakoleva.
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Публикувана на 03/26/12 20:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199507_Valentin+Zahariev+to+be+investigated+for+a+deliberate+bankruptcy+of+the+Lead+and+Zinc+Complex+Plc+-+Kardzhali
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