08/16/12 15:31
The family budget in the black in Q2 2012

Wages continued to be the main source of household income, accounting for 54.5%. The average earnings per household member amounted to BGN 583, or 18% more than the same quarter of last year. Within the same period of time, the share of wages in total family income increased by 2 percentage points. Pensions were the second most important source of income of Bulgarian households. However, their relative share in total income declined by 3.3% to 26.7%. In Q2 2012, incomes from pensions increased by 1.4% in nominal terms, compared to Q2 2011 and reached BGN 286 per household member. At the same time, earnings from self-employment per household member increased on average, compared to the same period of 2011 and reached BGN 81.
Incomes from social security and welfare benefits contributed insignificantly to the formation of total household income in Q2 2012. These increased from BGN 32 to BGN 35 per household member for the period and their share in total family income structure remained unchanged, accounting for 3.3%.
In Q2 2012, the share of earnings in cash of households in their total budget remained the same as in previous years, accounting for 98.1%, NSI reported.
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Публикувана на 08/16/12 15:31 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/210447_The+family+budget+in+the+black+in+Q2+2012+
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