09/13/12 18:02
President Plevneliev: Bulgaria is on the right track
“Bulgaria is on the right track and the facts show it,” President Rosen Plevneliev said on Thursday at the opening of the fifth edition of the forum entitled “Careers in Bulgaria. Why not?”The Head of State gave as an example the most recent ranking of competitiveness presented at the World Economic Forum, in which our country ranked 12 places up.
“We don’t feel it in our incomes and wages yet, but it is a great achievement,” stated Plevneliev.
He gave as an example Switzerland, which ranks first in the world in terms of competitiveness and is, therefore, one of the richest countries in the world.
“Some time ago, we talked about how Bulgaria could be a Switzerland in the Balkans and I believe this is possible, though hard to achieve. The way of achieving this is to create a good-quality environment for businesses and entrepreneurship,” said Plevneliev.
The President stated that Bulgaria lags behind other countries in terms of the World Bank index for doing business and we have “modest achievements” in this respect. “This is also true of the transparency index of Transparency International,” he said.
According to Plevneliev, Bulgaria is making quick progress in the absorption of EU funds, which are managed entirely by young people - more than 3,000 in number. “Currently, Bulgaria is one of three countries with no operational programmes suspended,” he added.
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Публикувана на 09/13/12 18:02 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/211743_President+Plevneliev%3A+Bulgaria+is+on+the+right+track
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