08/03/11 17:19
Bulgaria is among the top 6 destinations for adventure tourism

A total of 6 out of the top 10 countries in the study are in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Besides Bulgaria, which is recommended to curious and willing to experiment Americans, the ranking also includes Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania and Latvia. Israel, Chile, Estonia and Jordan, which lie outside the region, are among the first 10 as well.
The index presented in the experts’ report does not account for the actual number of tourists who have visited the respective destinations. The ranking is rather determined on the basis of a number of other criteria, such as sustainable development, safety, natural resources, and resources for adventure activities, infrastructure and the way the country is perceived around the world. Slovakia ranks first among the countries from Central and Eastern Europe in terms of these criteria. It occupies the 2nd position in the entire group of ten countries with developing economies, while Israel tops the ranking. Bulgaria holds the 6th position.
There is a particular ranking for the developed countries. Lovers of adventure are being advised to choose Switzerland first among these. If Americans or tourists from other countries are not willing to travel there, they can chose Iceland or New Zealand, which occupy the 2nd and 3rd place, according to the report of George Washington University.
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Публикувана на 08/03/11 17:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/177042_Bulgaria+is+among+the+top+6+destinations+for+adventure+tourism
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