09/17/12 17:27
Additional BGN 100 mln needed for education
“In order to function properly, the education system needs BGN 100 mln additionally,” Minister of Education Sergey Ignatov said on BNT on the first day of school - September 17 this year. “At present, an additional amount of BGN 60 mln is being discussed with the Finance Ministry,” he specified. Ignatov also said that the minimum teacher salary might reach BGN 1,000.“The new school law will be a good one, nobody in Parliament wants to pass censure on it,” Minister Ignatov commented on the delayed vote of the draft bill, which was expected to be adopted and be enforced as of the beginning of this school year.
The Minister voiced his position that education should become more pragmatic. “Knowledge should become an instrument for decision making,” he said. Regarding the notebooks with pop folk singers on their covers Sergei Ignatov said there is no other way to react than persuading parents not to buy them.
Later on, Ignatov attended the ceremony for opening the school year at the Second English Language in School.
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Публикувана на 09/17/12 17:27 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/211896_Additional+BGN+100+mln+needed+for+education+
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