02/21/12 19:40
At least BGN 100 mln needed to restore the normal electricity supply of Sofia

A total of BGN 100 mln are needed to maintain the electricity network of Sofia in a normal condition, stated yesterday the CEO of CEZ Stefan Apostolov at a round table on the critical infrastructure in Sofia. He added that 90% of the electric grid cables of Sofia are already 40 years old, outdated and need an urgent replacement. The state of the kiosk switchgear is also deplorable and downtown residents are most threatened by power cuts. There will be investments in the coming years, which will not be included in the current demands for the rate of electricity prices. We need to urgently replace two medium-voltage power cables supplying the downtown area with electricity, explained Bozhidar Gatev, CEO of the Operation and Maintenance Department at CEZ Distribution Bulgaria. In practice, the security of the power supply to the National Assembly, the Presidency is put under question, along with that of 17 ministries, eight hospitals, the Sofia Metro, public transport, the Sofia central railway station, embassies and 200,000 subscribers in Sofia. According to Gatev, this year, approximately 200 km of transmission lines should be replaced, which will will cost the company about BGN 20 mln. In order to improve the power supply, the companies need to make bigger investments, which, in turn, must be approved by the state Regulator, stated the regional manager of CEZ Bulgaria, Petar Dokladal.
Sofia could be supplied with electricity generated by mini-hydropower plants, photovoltaic parks and domestic waste-processing facilities, stated Sofia's Chief Architect, Petar Dikov. In Sofia alone, there are some 350,000 roofs of public schools and kindergartens where solar panels can be mounted. The roofs of apartment buildings with a total area of 2 mln sq m can also be used to generate electricity. The main objective in the next programming period for Sofia will be the insulation of residential buildings, explained Dikov. According to the estimates of the Sofia Municipality, the application of energy efficiency measures can save about 500 MW of power consumption in Sofia.
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Публикувана на 02/21/12 19:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196167_At+least+BGN+100+mln+needed+to+restore+the+normal+electricity+supply+of+Sofia
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