03/28/11 20:52
Some BGN 66 mln allocated for equipment of six hospitals

Some BGN 66 mln were granted to the Ministry of Health under the Operational Programme Regional Development for the purchase of equipment for six hospitals, announced yesterday the Healthcare establishment. The funds were allocated after the signing of a framework agreement with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works under the scheme "Support for the Reconstruction, Renovation and Equipment of Public Hospitals and Healthcare Establishments in Urban Agglomerations''. Under the project worth BGN 148 mln, overall 13 hospitals and 8 homes for medico-social care for children should be funded. The first tranche of funds amounting to BGN 66 mln will be invested in the development of a System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer in six hospitals in Bulgaria. These involve the Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment in Oncology (SPJSC) - Sofia, the ''Saint George'' University Multi-Profile Hospital for Active Treatment - Plovdiv, the First Multiprofile Hospital for Active Healthcare – Rousse, the University Multi-profile Hospital for Active Treatment "Doctor Georgi Stranski" - Pleven, the Multiprofile District Hospital for Active Treatment ''D-r Stefan Cherkezov'' JSC – Veliko Turnovo, the Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment (MHAT) ''D-r Stamen Iliev'' JSC – Montana. The hospitals will be equipped with CT (computerised tomography) scans, a linear accelerator, Radiation Therapy Planning System as well as laboratory equipment for immunological research and etc. In fact, their purchase will begin as of this year. The project planning forms for the remaining 7 hospitals, for which overall BGN 68 mln were provided, are also under evaluation. It is envisaged the resources to be utilised for several key activities. Under the OP Regional Development, the funds will be earmarked for the setting up of the Oncological and Radiotherapy Center “St. Marina” - Varna and the establishment of a Center for Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer on the territory of the University Hospital Alexandrovska - Sofia, as well as for the setting up of a regional Center for Early Diagnosis of Oncological Diseases on the territory of hospital of MHAT - Burgas. The EU funds will be also granted to MHAT “Dr. Ivan Seliminski” – Sliven, to the MHAT JSC “Dr. Bratan Shukerov” – Smolyan as well as to the MHPT JSC – Blagoevgrad and to the MHPT JSC “Dr. Atanas Dafovski” – Kardzhali.
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