09/30/12 18:08
Bulgarian tourists content with their summer Black Sea experience

Nearly 70% of people who enjoyed the seaside this year chose resorts and towns in the Southern part of the coastline. About one-fourth preferred to stay at resorts or towns close to or north of Varna. The Northern part of the Black Sea coastline is more popular with Bulgarians between the age of 41 and 55.
Excessive development and overpopulation in some of the big sea resorts in Bulgaria have created problems with the beaches, the seawater and the seaside environment as a whole. Yet, the majority of people who had their holiday at the seaside this summer said the state of the beaches and the seawater was “good” or “very good”.
There is no marked difference between estimates about the Southern and the Northern regions. Around 60% of people surveyed gave a positive valuation, while one in three respondents evaluated the condition of the Black Sea shore environment as “average”. Three percent are dissatisfied with the state of the beaches to the south. As for the Northern parts, the number of discontented visitors is a little higher - 9% said that the beaches and the shore as a whole were in poor condition and in need of a clean-up and extra care.
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Публикувана на 09/30/12 18:08 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/212582_Bulgarian+tourists+content+with+their+summer+Black+Sea+experience
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